Sunday, August 10, 2008

Week 19 and counting!

Well it is officially 19 weeks and counting. I had my last ultrasound on August 5th and all looked great. The baby in the picture resembles those mentioned when speaking of Rosewell, NM but we love our little alien. The Dr. knows the gender of the baby now but we are still choosing to stay out of the loop on that one. We are looking forward to being surprised! I will say that it does make it harder to register for all those cute things when you are not sure of the gender. I will try to post another picture after my next check up on the 20th. So far the baby is not causing much of a bump but I anticipate the rapid growth coming on pretty quickly.
The other details are progressing nicely and so far on schedule. We have started to register for things....that is going to be a long process so I wanted to start pretty early. The nursery furniture is about 85% complete....I still have a couple pieces to get and the painting should be done shortly too. I am still on schedule to have everything completed by the end of September! That will give me 3 months to take care of last minute details and be sure everything is done....just in case someone arrives earlier then expected or I realize I forgot something...since this loosing my memory seems to be normal for me right now! I was a list maker before and used a lot of sticky notes....but now I pretty much have to put a stick note on the door just to make sure I remember to bring my purse or other silly things like that. Will keep you posted....if I can seem to remember the password to this thing! (I had to try twice this time!)

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